Lenka Dědková, Ph.D., is a postdoc researcher and a department vice-head at IRTIS. She also serves as an assistant professor in the Department of Media Studies and Journalism (Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University), and fulfills the role of managing and associate editor for Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace.
Lenka has extensive experience in conducting both quantitative and qualitative social science research. She recently led the nationwide longitudinal data collection on parent-child dyads and is currently heading a working group on the long-term impact of ICT on children and adolescents. Throughout her career, Lenka has contributed to various national and international research projects, including those funded, for instance, by Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation programs. She is an active participant in the EU Kids Online research network and regularly attends international meetings and conferences such as ECREA and EARA.
Lenka's interdisciplinary approach to research incorporates her expertise in psychology, communication, and informatics. Her primary research interests revolve around the role of parents in children's and adolescents' ICT usage patterns. For example, she examines parents' perceptions about their children's ICT use, including what they consider beneficial and what concerns them. She also studies parental mediation strategies and their effects on children's online behavior, as well as the impact of children's and adolescents' experiences with online interactions on their well-being, or usable security.
Lenka has had her research published in numerous peer-reviewed journals such as Information, Communication & Society, New Media & Society, or Journal of Family Issues. She has also written several book chapters, most notably in The Routledge International Handbook of Children, Adolescents and Media. In recognition of her contributions to the influential EU Kids Online 2020 report, she was honored with the MUNI Scientist Award in 2020.
- 2023 MUNI Scientist Award
Grant Agency of Masaryk University
for publishing book chapter in The Routledge International Handbook of Children, Adolescents and Media and a manuscript published in Information, Communication and Society - 2020 MUNI Scientist Award
Grant Agency of Masaryk University
for publishing the impactful EU Kids Online 2020 report - 2016 Rector's Award
Masaryk University
for the best students in doctoral programmes
Journal articles
Gulec, H., Muzik, M., Smahel, D. & Dedkova, L. (2025). Longitudinal Associations Between Adolescents’ mHealth App Use, Body Dissatisfaction, and Physical Self-Worth: Random Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Study. JMIR Ment Health, 12, e60844. doi:10.2196/60844
Knedlíková, L., Dědková, L., Kolář, S., Česká, K., Vyhnalová, M., Stroupková, L., Pejčochová, J., Pavel, T., Lacko, D., Horák, O., Ošlejšková, H., & Danhofer, P.: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on stress and coping in parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Plos One (November 7, 2024).
- Kruzikova, A., Muzik, M., Knapova, L., Dedkova, L., Smahel, D. & Matyas, V. (2024). Two-factor authentication time: How time-efficiency and time-satisfaction are associated with perceived security and satisfaction. Computers & Security, 132, 103667.
Lebedíková, M., Araujo, R., Mýlek, V., Šmahel, D., & Dědková, L. (2024). The reciprocal relationship between consensual sexting and peer support among adolescents: A three-wave longitudinal study. Computers in Human Behavior, 152, 108048.
Bedrošová, M., Mylek, V., Dedkova, L., & Velicu, A. (2023). Who is searching for cyberhate? Adolescents’ characteristics associated with intentional or unintentional exposure to cyberhate. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26(7), 462–471.
Dedkova, L., & Mýlek, V. (2023). Parental mediation of online interactions and its relation to adolescents’ contacts with new people online: The role of risk perception. Information, Communication & Society 26(16).
- Geržičáková, M., Dedkova, L., & Mýlek, V. (2023). What do parents know about children’s risky online experiences? The role of parental mediation strategies. Computers in Human Behavior, 141, 107626.
Mýlek, V., Dedkova, L., & Mesch, G. S. (2023). Czech adolescents’ face-to-face meetings with people from the internet: The role of adolescents’ motives and expectations. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 52(1), 15–28.
Mýlek, V., Dedkova, L., & Schouten, A. P. (2023). Adolescents’ online communication and self-disclosure to online and offline acquaintances: Differential effects of social anxiety and depressed moods. Journal of Media Psychology. Advance online publication.
- Mýlek, V., Dedkova, L., & Smahel, D. (2023). Information sources about face-to-face meetings with people from the Internet: Gendered influence on adolescents’ risk perception and behavior. New Media & Society, 25(7), 1561–1579.
Smahel, D., Gulec, H., Lokajova, A., Dedkova, L., & Machackova, H. (2023). The integrative model of ICT effects on Adolescents’ well-being (iMEW): The synthesis of theories from developmental psychology, media and communications, and health. European Journal of Developmental Psychology 20(6), 1–18.
- Dedkova, L., Smahel, D., & Just, M. (2022). Digital security in families: The sources of information relate to the active mediation of internet safety and parental internet skills. Behaviour & Information Technology, 41(5), 1052-1064.
Knapová, L., Smahel, D., Dedkova, L., & Matyas, V. (2022). Comparing nonresponders and responders of online intercept surveys: A large-scale experimental ICT security-related study. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 3107621.
- Kruzikova, A., Knapova, L., Smahel, D., Dedkova, L., & Matyas, V. (2022). Usable and secure? User perception of four authentication methods for mobile banking. Computers & Security, 115, 102603.
Smahel, D., Dedkova, L., Kraus, L., Matyas, V., & Stavova, V. (2022). Investigating Installers of Security Software in 20 Countries: Individual-and Country-Level Differences. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 1230344.
- Wright, M. F., Wachs, S., Yanagida, T., Ševčíková, A., Dědková, L., Bayraktar, F., Aoyama, I., Kamble, S. V., Macháčková, H., Li, Z., Soudi, S., Lei, L., & Shu, C. (2022). Coping with Public and Private Face-to-Face and Cyber Victimization among Adolescents in Six Countries: Roles of Severity and Country. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(21), 14405.
Galbava, S., Machackova, H., & Dedkova, L. (2021). Cyberostracism: Emotional and behavioral consequences in social media interactions. Comunicar, 29(67).
- Knapova, L.,
- Dedkova, L., & Smahel, D. (2020). Online parental mediation: Associations of family members’ characteristics to individual engagement in active mediation and monitoring. Journal of Family Issues, 41(8), 1112-1136.
- Mikuska, J., Smahel, D., Dedkova, L., Staksrud, E., Mascheroni, G., & Milosevic, T. (2020). Social relational factors of excessive internet use in four European countries. International Journal of Public Health, 65(8), 1289-1297.
Mýlek, V., Dedkova, L., & Machackova, H. (2020). Factors influencing interactions between adolescents and unknown people from the internet: Findings from five European countries. Children and Youth Services Review, 114.
- Cernikova, M, Dedkova, L., & Smahel, D. (2018). Youth interaction with online strangers: Experiences and reactions to unknown people on the Internet. Information, Communication & Society, 21, 94-110.
Daneback, K., Bjereld, Y., Macháčková, H., Ševčíková, A., & Dědková, L. (2018). Bullied online but not telling anyone: What are the reasons for not disclosing cybervictimization? Studia Paedagogica, 23(4), 119-128.
- Machackova, H., Dedkova, L., Sevcikova, A., & Cerna, A. (2018). Bystanders’ supportive and passive responses to cyberaggression. Journal of School Violence, 17, 99-110.
- Stavova, V., Dedkova, L., Matyas, V., Just, M., Smahel, D., & Ukrop, M. (2018). Experimental large-scale review of attractors for detection of potentially unwanted applications. Computers & Security, 76, 92-100.
- Stavova, V., Dedkova, L., Ukrop, M., & Matyas, V. (2018). A large-scale comparative study of beta testers and regular users. Communications of the ACM, 61(2), 64-71.
- Wright, M. F., Yanagida, T., Macháčková, H., Dědková, L., Ševčíková, A., Aoyama, I., Bayraktar, F, ... Shu, C. (2018). Face-to-face and cyber victimization among adolescents in six countries: The interaction between attributions and coping strategies. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 11, 99-112.
- Wright, M. F., Yanagida, T., Aoyama, I., Dědková, L., Li, Z., Kamble, S. V., … & Shu, C. (2017). Differences in attributions for public and private face-to-face and cyber victimization among adolescents in China, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, India, Japan, and the United States. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 178, 1-14.
- Wright, M. F., Yanagida, T., Aoyama, I., Ševčíková, A., Macháčková, H., Dědková, L., … & Shu, C. (2017). Differences in severity and emotions for public and private face-to-face and cyber victimization across six countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48, 1216-1229.
- Cerna, A., Machackova, H., & Dedkova, L. (2016). Whom to trust: The role of mediation and perceived harm in support seeking by cyberbullying victims. Children & Society, 30, 256-277.
- Machackova, H., Dedkova, L., Sevcikova, A., & Cerna, A. (2016). Empathic responses by cyberbystanders: The importance of proximity. Journal of Youth Studies, 19, 793-804.
- Wright, M. F., Yanagida, T., Ševčíková, A., Aoyama, I., Dědková, L., Macháčková, H., … & Lei, L. (2016). Differences in coping strategies for public and private face-to-face and cyber victimization among adolescents in six countries. International Journal of Developmental Science, 10, 43-53.
- Bayraktar, F., Machackova, H., Dedkova, L., Cerna, A., & Sevcikova, A. (2015). Cyberbullying: The discriminant factors among cyberbullies, cybervictims, and cyberbully-victims in a Czech adolescent sample. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30, 3192-3216.
- Machackova, H., Dedkova, L., & Mezulanikova, K. (2015). Brief report: The bystander effect in cyberbullying incidents. Journal of Adolescence, 43, 96-99.
- Ševčíková, A., Macháčková, H., Wright, M. F., Dědková, L., & Černá, A. (2015). Social support seeking in relation to parental attachment and peer relationships among victims of cyberbullying. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools, 25, 170-182.
- Dedkova, L., Cerna, A., Janasova, K., & Daneback, K. (2014). Meeting online strangers offline: The nature of upsetting experiences for adolescent girls. Communications. European Journal of Communication Research, 39, 327–346.
Machackova, H., Cerna, A., Sevcikova, A., Dedkova, L., & Daneback, K. (2013). Effectiveness of coping strategies for victims of cyberbullying. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 7(3), article 5.
- Macháčková, H., Dedkova, L., Sevcikova, A., & Cerna, A. (2013). Bystanders’ support of cyberbullied schoolmates. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 23, 25-36.
- Černá, A., Dedkova, L., Macháčková, H., Ševčíková, A., & Šmahel, D. (2013). Kyberšikana: Průvodce novým fenoménem [Cyberbullying: A guide to a new phenomenon]. Praha: Grada.
Book chapters
- Dedkova, L., Machackova, H., & Smahel, D. (2022). Information and communication technologies and well-being. In D. Lemish (Ed.), The Routledge international handbook of children, adolescents, and media (2nd ed., pp. 185-193). Routledge.
Dedkova, L. (2015). Stranger is not always danger: The myth and reality of meetings with online strangers. In P. Lorentz, D. Smahel, M. Metykova, & M. F. Wright (Eds.), Living in the digital age: Self-presentation, networking, playing, and participating in politics (pp. 78-94). Brno: Muni Press. Available here.
- Dedkova, L. (2014). Navazování kontaktů online a setkávání se s neznámými lidmi z internetu [Seeking and meeting online strangers]. In A. Ševčíková (Ed.), Děti a dospívající online: Vybraná rizika používání internetu [Youth online: Selected risks of internet use] (pp. 75-97). Praha: Grada.
- Smahel, D., Šaradín Lebedíková, M., Lacko, D., Kvardová, N., Mýlek, V., Tkaczyk, M., Svestkova, A., Gulec, H., Hrdina, M., Machackova, H., & Dedkova, L. (2025). Tech & Teens: Insights from 15 Studies on the Impact of Digital Technology on Well-Being. EU Kids Online.
- Mýlek, V., Dědková, L., Šestauber, J., & Macháčková H. (2023). Adolescents’ face-to-face meetings with online acquaintances. Brno: Masaryk university.
- Bedrosova, M., Dufkova, E., Dembytska, N., Gerzicakova, M., & Dedkova, L. (2022). Cyberhate in Czech families: Adolescents’ experiences andtheir caregivers’ knowledge. Brno: Masaryk University.
- Vokál, D., Šmahel, D., & Dedkova, L. (2021). Excesivní používání internetu českými dospívajícími: Srovnání před a během pandemie Covid-19. [Excessive Internet use by Czech adolescents: A comparison before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Research report]. Brno: Masaryk University.
- Kružíková, A., Knapová, L., Gabrhelík, O., Šmahel, D., Dědková, L., Matyáš, V., Doležal, P., & Šmahelová, M. (2020). User Testing of Mobile Banking Authentication Methods: UX Testing, User Interviews, and Quantitative Survey. Brno: Masaryk University.
- Smahel, D., Machackova, H., Mascheroni, G., Dedkova, L., Staksrud, E., Ólafsson, K., Livingstone, S., & Hasebrink, U. (2020). EU Kids Online 2020: Survey results from 19 countries. EU Kids Online.
- Bedrošová, M., Hlavová, R., Macháčková, H., Dedkova, L., & Šmahel, D. (2018). Czech children on the internet: Report from a survey at primary and secondary schools. Project EU Kids Online IV – the Czech Republic. Brno: Masaryk University.
- Macháčková, H., Dědková, L., & Ševčíková, A. (2015). Dospívající na internetu [Adolescents on the Internet]. Brno: Masarykova univerzita. Available here.
- Dědková, L., Macháčková, H., Ševčíková, A., Černá, A., & Wright, M. (2014). Vnímání verbálních útoků na internetu a ve školách [The perception of verbal attacks in online and school environment]. Available here.
- Macháčková, H., Dědková, L., Ševčíková, A., & Černá, A. (2013). Online Harassment and Cyberbullying II. An extended report on the “Coping strategies in adolescents facing cyberbullying”. Available here.
- Macháčková, H., Černá, A., Dědková, L., Ševčíková, A., & Blažková, E. (2012). Online obtěžování a kyberšikana. Zpráva projektu „Copingové strategie kyberšikany u adolescentů“ [Cyberbullying and Online Harassment. The report from project Coping strategies with cyberbullying among adolescents]. Available here.
- Dědková, L., Mýlek, V., & Geržičáková, M. (2024, September 24-27). Do restrictions work? Examination of the impact of parental restrictions on adolescents’ online flirting with new people in 4-wave panel. Presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana, Slovenia. Available here.
- Güleç, H., Mužík, M., Šmahel, D. & Dědková, L. (2024, September 24-27). The Reciprocal Associations between Adolescents’ mHealth App Use, Body Dissatisfaction and Physical Self Worth: A Three Wave Longitudinal Study. Presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana, Slovenia. Available here.
- Mýlek, V., Dědková, L., Dienlin, T. & Shouten, A. P. (2024, September 24-27). Does online communication improve or diminish adolescents’ social skills? Presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana, Slovenia. Available here.
- Švestková, A., Šmahel, D. & Dědková, L. (2024, September 24-27). Insight into the vicious circle: A longitudinal study of health anxiety and health-related internet use in adolescents. Presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana, Slovenia. Available here.
Jaron Bedrosova, M., Mylek, V., & Dedkova, L. (2023). (Cyber)victimization among Czech youth: Comparing experiences of non-heterosexual and heterosexual adolescents. Presented at the 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division (MediaPsych 2023), Belval, Luxembourg. Available here.
- Mylek, V., & Dedkova, L. (2023). Adolescents’ interactions with people from the internet and the quality of their offline friendships. Presented at the 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division (MediaPsych 2023), Belval, Luxembourg. Available here.
- Dědková, L., Mýlek, V., & Lebedíková, M. (2022, October 19-22). The impact of parental mediation on children’s online activities: Two-wave panel study. Presented at the 9th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Aarhus, Denmark. Available here.
- Dědková, L., & Šmahel, D. (2022, October 19-22). Publishing practices in media studies and communications. Presented at the 9th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Aarhus, Denmark. Available here.
- Geržičáková, M., Dědková, L., & Mýlek, V. (2022, October 19-22). Does momma know best? Parental characteristics and their association to parents' knowledge about children's online risks [Poster presentation]. Presented at the 9th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Aarhus, Denmark. Available here.
- Mýlek, V., & Dědková, L. (2022, October 19-22). Why, with whom, and what was the outcome? Face-to-face meetings between adolescents and people from the internet. Presented at the 9th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Aarhus, Denmark. Available here.
- Šmahel, D., Güleç, H., Lokajová, A., Dědková, L., & Macháčková, H. (2022, October 19-22). The integrative model of ICT effects on adolescents’ well-being: The synthesis of theories. Presented at the 9th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Aarhus, Denmark. Available here.
- Dedkova, L. & Mylek, V. (2021, September). Parental mediation of online interactions and its association with adolescents' contacts with online strangers. Presented at 8th European Communication Conference (ECREA) 2021 (Online).
- Machackova, H., Bedrosova, M., Dedkova, L. (2021, November). The bystander intervention model: An experimental study on adolescents’ reactions to cyberaggression. Presented at 25th Workshop on Aggression, Turku, Finland.
- Mýlek, V., & Dědková, L. (2021, September). How risky are meetings with online strangers? The role of information sources in adolescent’s risk perception. Presented at the 8th European Communication Conference (ECREA), online.
- Mikuška, J., Šmahel, D., Dědková, L. A., Mascheroni, G., Milosevic, T. & Staksrud, E. (2020, September). Social environment factors of excessive internet use in four European countries. Presented at the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) 2020 (Online) Conference - Adolescence in a rapidly changing world, Porto, Portugal.
- Mýlek, V., & Dědková, L. (2020, September). Who is upset after face-to-face meetings with online strangers? The role of individual characteristics among European adolescent. Presented at the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) 2020 (Online) Conference - Adolescence in a rapidly changing world, Porto, Portugal.
- Bedrosova, M., Dedkova, L., Machackova, H., & Izrael, P. (2019, November). Who is searching for cyberhate? Cross-cultural comparison of Visegrad countries. Presented at 24th Workshop on Aggression, Stavanger, Norway.
- Knapová, L., Dědková, L., Kružíková, A., & Šmahel, D. (2019, November). NFC Token vs. Card-Reader: A Large-Scale Study of Preferences in Smartphone Authentication. Presented at Cyberspace conference, Brno, Czech Republic.
- Knapová, L., Kružíková, A., Dědková, L., & Šmahel, D. (2019, November). User Perceptions of Usability and Security of Authentication Methods for Mobile Banking on Smartphones. Presented at Cyberspace conference, Brno, Czech Republic.
- Machackova, H., & Dedkova, L. (2019, November). Application of Bystander Intervention Model in Incidents of Cyberaggression. Presented at 24th Workshop on Aggression, Stavanger, Norway.
- Mýlek, V. & Dědková, L. (2019, October). Adolescents' Interactions with Online Strangers in the Context of Risk-Taking Behavior and Developmental Needs. Presented at the conference (Re-)Connecting Perspectives on Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction (ICSI 2019), Tilburg, Netherlands.
Dedkova, L. (2018, September). Mediation of children‘s internet use. Presented at conference Media & Education, Poznan, Poland.
- Dedkova, L., Machackova, H., & Smahel, D. (2018, October). České děti online. Výsledky výzkumu EU KIDS Online 2018 [Czech children online. Findings from EU KIds Online 2018]. Presented at conference Praha bezpečně online, Prague, Czech Republic.
Dedkova, L., Smahel, D., & Machackova, H. (2018, May). Parental monitoring of children‘s online activities in families with 5-17 year old children. Presented at ICA preconference: Trust, control, and privacy: Mediatisation of childhood and adolescence in the digital age, Prague, Czech Republic.
Mišovicová, D., Dědková, L., Horák, O., Nováková, N., & Ošlejšková, H. (2018, October). Reálná a potenciální rizika internetu pro dospívající s epilepsií [Risky and potentially risky online experiences of youth with epilepsy]. Presented at 30. česko-slovenský epileptologický sjezd.
- Cernikova, M., Dědková, L., & Šmahel, D. (2016, November). Youth’s experiences with online strangers: Developmental perspective. Presented at the 6th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Prague, Czech Republic.
- Dedkova, L. & Machackova, H. (2016, November). Evaluating online information: What makes people trust and distrust. Poster presented at the 6th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Prague, Czech Republic.
- Dedkova, L. & Machackova, H. (2016, September). Thinness-oriented online communities visited by early and middle adolescents. Poster presented at the XV biennial conference of European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cadiz, Spain.
- Machackova, H. & Dedkova, L. (2016, November). To trust or suspect? The role of advertising in the evaluation of trustworthiness of online information. Poster presented at the 6th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Prague, Czech Republic.
- Machackova, H., Cerna, A., & Dedkova, L. (2016, September). Beyond pro-ana and pro-mia: Adolescent members of thinness-oriented online communities. Poster presented at the XV biennial conference of European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cadiz, Spain.
- Machackova, H., Dedkova, L. & Smahel, D. (2016, November). Parental worries about the bullying of their children. Presented at the conference 21th Workshop on Aggression, Oradea, Romania.
- Černíková, M., & Dědková, L. (2015, May). Meeting strangers online: Children´s perspectives. Presented at the conference Youth and Digital Media 2015, Akureyri, Island.
- Dedkova, L., Machackova, H., & Smahel, D. (2015, November). The role of user characteristics in detecting potentially unwanted applications in internet security software. Presented at Cyberspace conference, Brno, Czech Republic.
- Cerna, A., Dedkova, L, & Machackova, H. (2014, May). Cyberbullying victims: Mediation and coping. Poster presented at Cyberbullying: A Challenge for researchers and practitioners, Gothenburg, Sweden. Available here.
- Dedkova, L., Machackova, H., & Mezulanikova, K. (2014, November). Real and hypothetical cyberbullying bystanders: Do they tell the same story? Presented at the conference Social and Media Dimensions of Aggression, Berlin, Germany.
- Dedkova, L. , Machackova, H., Sevcikova, A., & Cerna, A. (2014, May). Groups of cyberbullying victims: Differentiating role of harm extent. Poster presented at Cyberbullying: A Challenge for researchers and practitioners, Gothenburg, Sweden. Available here.
- Machackova, H. & Dedkova, L. (2014, March). Cyberbullying victims: Coping strategies and victimization context. Poster presented at SRA Biennial Meeting, Austin, Texas, USA. Available here.
- Machackova, H., Dedkova, L., & Mezulanikova, K. (2014, November). Bystander effect in cyberbullying incidents. Presented at the conference Social and Media Dimensions of Aggression, Berlin, Germany.
- Machackova, H, Dedkova, L., Sevcikova, A., & Cerna, A. (2014, May). Cyberbystanders’ empathic response: The context matters! Poster presented at Cyberbullying: A Challenge for researchers and practitioners, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Macháčková, H., Dědková, L., Ševčíková, A., & Černá, A. (2014, November). Active and Passive Cyber-Bystanders: What is the Difference? Presented at the conference Cyberspace, Brno, Czech Republic.
- Černá, A., Dědková, L., Daneback, K., Ševčíková, A., & Macháčková, H. (2013, September). This can’t hurt me: How the quality of relationship with peers and parents helps the victim to overcome cyberbullying. Presented at XVI th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Macháčková, H & Dědková, L. (2013, September). Personal self-disclosure in online communities: Role of members´ self-disclosure, online disinhibition and perceived risk among Czech adolescents. Poster presented at XVI th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Dedkova, L. & Janasova, K. (2013, September). Negative experiences with meeting online strangers: Adolescent girls’ risk prevention. Presented at XVI th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland. Available here.
- Dědková, L., & Macháčková, H. (2013, March). The risk of online communities: Who is prone to behavioral change by community members? Presented at UCSIA international workshop Youth 2.0: Connecting, Sharing and Empowering?, Antwerp, Belgium. Available here.
- Machackova, H. & Dedkova, L. (2013). Risky online communities in the Czech Republic. Presented at the Conference Social Processes & Personality, Třešť, Czech Republic. Available here.
- Macháčková, H., & Dědková, L. (2013, April). Online groups in early adolescence: Perceived importance and influence, online behavior and moderating role of online/offline interaction. Poster presented at 2013 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA. Available here.
- Macháčková, H., Ševčíková, A., Dědková, L., & Černá, A. (2012, June). The effectiveness of coping strategies used by cyberbullying victims. Poster presented at International Conference on Cyberbullying, Paris, France. Available here.
- Ševčíková, A., Macháčková, H., Dědková, L., & Černá, A. (2012, October). Cyberbullying: Does the perception of harm and the length of victimization matter? Poster presented at International Conference on Cyberbullying, Vienna, Austria. Available here.
- Machackova, H. & Dedkova, L. (2011, November). Cyberbullying victims: Telling parents and peers. Presented at the conference Cyberspace 2011, Brno, Czech Republic.
- Machackova, H., & Dedkova, L. (2014). Self-disclosure in online communities. In XVI European Conference on Developmental Psychology (pp. 145-147). Bologna, Italy: Medimond.
- Šmahel, D., Helsper, E. J., Barbovschi, M., & Dědková, L. (2012). Meeting Online Strangers among European Children. In 15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology proceedings (pp. 419-422). Bologna, Italy: Medimond.
- Dědková, L. in round table discussion (2024, February 22). Digitální wellbeing ve školách. Národní pedagogický institut České republiky YouTube channel. [video] Available here. [Czech]
- Dědková, L., & Mýlek, V. (2023, February 22). How effective are parenting strategies when it comes to meeting people online? [blogpost] Available here.
- Dědková, L., in podcast interview. Šťastná, L. (2023, February 17). Rozpravy 2023/02: Média, rodiče a děti. Rozpravy o médiích. Available here. [Czech]

Lenka Dědková, Ph.D.
Web of Science: Lenka Dedkova
ORCID: 0000-0002-0807-1183
ResearchGate: Lenka Dedkova
Google Scholar: Lenka Dedkova
Research interests
- parental mediation
- online relationships
- interactions with people from the internet
- online research methodology
- online security