Associate professors
Other members
IRTIS members are researchers at the Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. Our members' institutional background covers a wide range of workplaces at Masaryk University, namely:
Team management
Team members
- online risks and opportunities for children and adolescents
- online identities
- virtual relationships
- online addiction
- IT security from perspective of users
- online research methods
- well-being
- job performance
- ICT use
- recovery
- psychological capital
- gamification
Associate professors (docents)
- digital well-being
- digital disconnection
- mobile media
- social relationships
- e-mental health
- psychotherapy research and assessment in eating disorders
- discrimination, stigma, and representation of disadvantaged groups
- adolescents' online health information-seeking behaviors
- online aggression
- cyberbullying
- online communities
- self-disclosure online
- credibility of online information
- online civic engagement
- online interaction risks in adolescent’s internet use
- empathy in online and offline contexts
- moral courage, bystander and prosocial behavior
- teaching-learning processes with digital media, teacher training
- interest and career orientation for STEM subjects
- ethics in research with children and adolescents
- media effects
- journalism
- ICT and well-being
- sexual diversity
- validation of cross-cultural scales
- cross-cultural perception and cognition
- eye-tracking
- parental mediation
- online relationships
- meeting online strangers offline
- online research methodology
- online security
- ICTs and well-being
- ICTs and health behaviours
- Cognitive-behavioural theory
- cyberhate and online discrimination
- ICTs and children and adolescents
- positive psychology
- recovery experience
- wellbeing
- job performance
- gamification
- cross-cultural research
- statistics and psychometrics
- video games and video streaming research
- statistics and psychometrics
- civic engagement
- political socialization
- interactions between adolescents and unknown people from the internet
- ICTs and adolescent well-being
- political participation
- cross-cutting discussions
- incivility
- intolerance
- assistive technologies
- modelling and simulation
- machine learning
- ICTs and sexuality
- experience sampling
- digital well-being
- media multitasking
- cognitive & affective factors in online interaction
- online aggression
- online research methods
- well-being
- media, adolescent sleep and well-being
- models of journalism in Czech press
- analysis of media and communication content
- online and offline aggression
- memory recall accuracy
- online sexual violence
- revenge porn and its impacts
- sexting
- Online anonymity
- Online self-disclosure
- weather and decision-making
- voting behaviour
- political participation
- Social media and body image
- Body shaming online
- Anonymity in the computer-mediated communication
- Media effects on well-being
- Development of measuring scales
- statistics and psychometrics
- data management
- online interpersonal communication
- the role of social networks in partner relationships
- body image in relation to social networks
- innovative data collection methods
- data mining & result aggregation
- recovery processes
- digital well-being
- coaching
- career adaptability
- ICTs and adolescent well-being
- literature review and theory synthesis
- statistics and psychometrics
- data management
- digital skills of children and adolescents
- sharenting, AI and online privacy
- e-health literacy
- risky and addictive behavior
- research application in public policy
- efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions
- psychology of leadership
- anonymity in online communication
- digital technologies and eating disorders
- ICTs and psychotherapy
- health psychology
- psychology of physical activity
- well-being/quality of life
- health behavior change
- adult development and aging
- women's health
- mind-body modalities (e.g., yoga)
- bullying (online, social exclusion, identity-based)
- online aggression
- social inequality
- stereotyping and discrimination
- well-being
- cross-national comparisons
- usable security
- psychology of physical activity
- health psychology
- political communication
- activism
- political participation
- new media
- campaigns
- new media users and audiences
- audience ethnography
- media and technological subcultures
- media in civic and political participation
- political psychology
- civic and political socialization in adolescence and young adulthood
Previous irtis members