Open Science

In the Interdisciplinary Research Team on Internet and Society, open science is an important topic. We strive to ensure that the entire research process and the outputs of our work are in line with the principles of open science.

The fundamental principles of open science include making research transparent, accessible, and inclusive (Centre for Open Science, n.d.). The goal is to promote the availability and verifiability of scientific results, such as publications, data, software, and others, not only to researchers but also to the general public. Open science facilitates discussions about research and strengthens the accountability of researchers, and the credibility of conclusions and the entire scientific system.

Incorporating open science practices into our research activities, we particularly focus on:

  • Open access to publications – freely accessible research outputs made available by the journal publisher (gold open access) or researchers in a repository (green open access).
  • Preprints – freely accessible studies made available before peer review for publication.
  • Preregistration – a study plan that includes research questions or hypotheses, methods, and analytical procedures, published before its implementation.
  • Registered reports – a document including the theoretical and methodological aspects, submitted for peer review before conducting the study.
  • Data and other materials (e.g., analytical scripts) available in a publicly accessible repository.

Centre for Open Science (n.d.). Open Science. Dostupné na:

If you are interested in our studies that are open access (green or gold) or have accessible research materials (data, analytical scripts, preregistration, etc.), please visit our page with a list of these publications. You will find them marked with an icon and a link to the respective document or material.

Publications marked with the Open Access icon are freely accessible to everyone.

Publications marked with the Open Materials icon have freely accessible data, analyses or other materials.

Publications marked with the Preregistered icon have been preregistered.

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