Adéla Švestková (née Lokajová), M.A. is a PhD student of psychology at the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University. In her work for IRTIS, she focuses on internet use and digital technologies related to health. Additionally, she works on literature review of the impact of ICTs on adolescent well-being.
Journal articles
Lokajová, A., Šmahel, D., & Kvardová, N. (2023). Health-related social media use and COVID-19 anxiety in adolescence: health anxiety as covariate and moderator. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.
Smahel, D., Gulec, H., Lokajova, A., Dedkova, L., & Machackova, H. (2023). The integrative model of ICT effects on Adolescents’ well-being (iMEW): The synthesis of theories from developmental psychology, media and communications, and health. European Journal of Developmental Psychology 20(6), 1–18.
Svestkova, A., Kvardova, N., & Šmahel, D. (2023). Health anxiety in adolescents: The roles of online health information seeking and parental health anxiety. Journal of Child and Family Studies.
- Blahošová, J., Terčová, N., Švestková, A., & Šmahel, D. (2024). Artificial intelligence and health: How do Czech adults use AI? [Research report.] Brno: Masaryk University.
Gulec, H., Lokajová, A., & Smahel, D. (2022). Effects of digital technology on adolescents' well-being: An integrative model (iMEW). (CO:RE Short Report Series on Key Topics). Hamburg: Leibniz-Institut für Medienforschung | HansBredow-Institut (HBI); CO:RE - Children Online: Research and Evidence.
- Lokajová, A., & Šmahel, D. (2022). Use of mHealth applications among teens. Research report. [Research Report]. Brno: Masaryk University.
- Švestková, A., Šmahel, D. & Dědková, L. (2024, September 24-27). Insight into the vicious circle: A longitudinal study of health anxiety and health-related internet use in adolescents. Presented at the 10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana, Slovenia. Available here.
- Svestkova, A., Kvardova, N., & Smahel, D. (2023, September 4-8). Health anxiety in adolescents: the roles of online health information seeking and parental health anxiety. [Poster presentation]. Presented at the 37th Annual Conference of European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), Bremen, Germany. Available here.
- Šmahel, D., Güleç, H., Lokajová, A., Dědková, L., & Macháčková, H. (2022, October 19-22). The integrative model of ICT effects on adolescents’ well-being: The synthesis of theories. Presented at the 9th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Aarhus, Denmark. Available here.
- Švestková, K. in public talk. (2023, November 4). Potřeby roverů aneb porozumění roveringu psychologickou optikou. Roverská porada 2023. [Czech]
- Lokajová, A., Güleç, H., & Šmahel, D. (2022, December 6). Growing up in a tech-heavy era: How online activities relate to adolescents’ well-being? CO:RE Evidence. [blogpost] Available here.
- Šmahel, D. & Lokajová, A., in press release. (2022, February 7). Víc než polovina mladistvých používá aplikace zaměřené na zdraví. MUNI - Masarykova univerzita. Available here. [Czech]

Adéla Švestková, M.A.
Research interests
- ICTs and adolescent well-being
- literature review and theory synthesis
- digital health