Research of Excellence on Digital Technologies and Wellbeing (DigiWELL)
DigiWELL, or Excellence in Research on Digital Technologies and Wellbeing, is a project by Steriani Elavsky from the University of Ostrava, who is also a long-time colleague of ours at IRTIS - we have worked together, for example, in the project Modeling the future: Understanding the impact of technology on adolescent’s well-being (FUTURE). DigiWELL aims to bring together excellent researchers from eight partner institutions and different disciplines to focus on the broad area of digital technology use in the context of physical, mental, and social wellbeing of populations. The project will map and analyze the impact of digital technology use on individuals and society, and will also focus on the development of new methods and tools to improve wellbeing (e.g. new smartphone apps and interventions). After data collection and analysis, we will collaborate with technology companies, government, and non-profit organizations to translate our new findings into a form that will have practical impacts and benefits for society.
Role of IRTIS in DigiWELL
Our team is involved in several work packages:
- WP1: Short – and long – term impacts of the use of digital technologies
on the wellbeing of the general population (MU) – leader: Prof. David Šmahel- WP1.1: Analysis of existing data regarding the impact of ICT use on wellbeing and online risks (Research Activity Leader: Dr. Lenka Dědková)
- WP1.2: Long-term effects of ICT use on the wellbeing of children, adults, and older people: Longitudinal research (Research Activity Leader: doc. Anna Ševčíková, FSS MU)
- WP1.3: Short-term impacts of ICT use on adult wellbeing: The “Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA)” study (Research Activity Leader: Prof. David Šmahel)
- WP1.4: Research on population vulnerable to risks of ICT use: Qualitative study and investigation of physiological and biological correlates (Research Activity Leader: dr. Klára Maliňáková)
- WP2.1: Experimental research of positive aspects of ICT – promoting wellbeing (Research Activity Leader: doc. Hana Macháčková)
- WP5.2: International comparison aiming to identify the role of technology use, digital skills, online risks, and selected characteristics with regard to wellbeing in children and adolescents (9–17 years) (Research Activity Leader: doc. Hana Macháčková)
This project has been funded by Operational Programme Jan Amos Komenský (OP JAK) under the Excellent research grant. The aim of the call was to support research of an interdisciplinary nature with high potential to produce excellent results that can be practically applied in the future. Other objectives were, for example, to increase the competitiveness of the Czech Republic in the European research field and develop international cooperation. This research call was unique in that it can fund projects for 4.5 years with an expenditure of up to CZK 500 million.

Project Period: 2024 - 2028
Investor: Operational Programme Jan Amos Comenius (OP JAC)
Project number: CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004583
You can find more about the project on a dedicated webiste.
Researchers: David Šmahel, Hana Macháčková, Lenka Dedkova, Jaromír Plhák, Marie Jaroň Bedrošová, Nikol Kvardová, Ondřej Sotolář, Vojtěch Mýlek, Michaela Lebedíková, Eliška Dufková, David Lacko, Natálie Terčová, Jana Blahošová, Michal Tkaczyk, Hayriye Güleç, Adéla Švestková, Martin Tancoš,Tomáš Kratochvíl, Michal Mužík, Martin Vaculík