National Institute for Research on the Socioeconomic Impact of Disease and Systemic Risk
About the project
The aim of the SYRI project (National Institute for Socio-Economic Research on the Impact of Diseases and Systemic Risks) within the EXCELES program is to react to current trends and needs in response to the emergence of major systemic health risks, such as the covid-19 pandemic, and associated social and economic impacts.
Three institutions will collaborate on the SYRI project (Masaryk University, Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences) and the social science research will be conducted in a range of disciplines (economics, pedagogy, sociology, psychology, legal science, political science, media studies, social geography, public health). The aim of this interconnection of institutions is to enable the creation of new knowledge that is of an excellent scientific standard and that can be practically applied in a number of fields (e.g. the functioning of public administration) dealing with the issue at hand.
The project consists of nine interlinked research areas ('work packages'):
WP1: Communication, risk and uncertainty
WP2: Law and governance
WP3: Resilience systems
WP4: Socio-economic inequalities
WP5: Polarisation and populism
WP6: Effectivity of the health care system
WP7: Education and impacts of the pandemic
WP8: Economic impacts of the pandemic
WP9: Social impacts of the pandemic and the labour market
Our involvement in the project
The IRTIS team is involved in two work packages, namely WP1: Communication, risk and uncertainty and WP6: Effectivity of the health care system working group.
WP1: Communication, risk, and uncertainty
The main objectives of the WP are to investigate the role of communication processes in the management of global crises and their impact on users' emotions and behaviour during these crises. Particular attention will be paid to the role of misinformation, the analysis of the influence of journalists and the dynamic changes in online communication over time in the Czech context.
Our team members Hana Macháčková and Eliška Dufková will focus in particular on researching the impact of misinformation on social networks using experimental design.
WP6: Effectivity of the health care system
In order to increase the efficiency of the health care system, hopes are currently pinned on the use of digital technologies, but the Czech Republic and the rest of the world have rather little experience with them. The success of these technical solutions will also depend on the trust of the population and their willingness to use digital technologies.
The aim of WP6 is to focus on research on access to healthcare from the perspective of patients, especially those who are disadvantaged in some way. More specifically, it will focus on research on eHealth applications and digital technologies using several methodological approaches using different data sources.
The members of our team involved in this working group are David Šmahel, Hayriye Güleç, Natálie Terčová and Adéla Švestková.

Project period: 2022-2026
Research team:
Work package 1 research team:
Hana Macháčková
Eliška Dufková
Jakub Macek
Alena Macková
Work package 6 research team:
David Šmahel
Hayriye Güleç
Adéla Švestková
Natálie Terčová