Členové týmu
Doc. Jan Šerek, Ph.D. pracuje jako výzkumník v Institutu výzkumu dětí, mládeže a rodiny na Masarykově univerzitě. Jeho výzkumné zájmy zahrnují občanskou a politickou socializaci adolescentů, psychologické aspekty demokracie, longitudinální a experimentální výzkumné metody. Jan působil jako vedoucí mezinárodního projektu CATCH-EyoU v rámci programu Horizon 2020, a v několika dalších národních i mezinárodních výzkumných projektech.
Časopisecké články
Bedrosova, M., Machackova, H., Serek, J., Smahel, D., & Blaya, C. (2022). The relation between the cyberhate and cyberbullying experiences of adolescents in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia. Computers in Human Behavior, 126, 107013, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2021.107013
- Dahl, V., Amna, E., Banaji, S., Landberg, M., Šerek, J., Ribeiro, N., Beilmann, M., Pavlopoulos, V., & Zani, B. (2018). Apathy or alienation? Political passivity among youths across eight European Union countries. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15, 284-301. https://doi.org/10.1080/17405629.2017.1404985
- Eckstein, K., Šerek, J., & Noack, P. (2018). And what about siblings? A longitudinal analysis of sibling effects on youth's intergroup attitudes. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47, 383-397.http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10964-017-0713-5
- Macek, J., Macková, A., Pavlopoulos, V., Kalmus, V., Elavsky, C. M., & Šerek, J. (2018). Trust in alternative and professional media: The case of the youth news audiences in three European countries. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15, 340-354. https://doi.org/10.1080/17405629.2017.1398079
- Šerek, J., & Jugert, P. (2018). Young European citizens: An individual by context perspective on adolescent European citizenship. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15, 302-323. https://doi.org/10.1080/17405629.2017.1366308
- Šerek, J., Machackova, H., & Macek, P. (2018). Who crosses the norms? Predictors of the readiness for non-normative political participation among Czech adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 62, 18-26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adolescence.2017.11.001
Macháčková, H., & Šerek, J. (2017). Does ‘clicking’ matter? The role of online participation in adolescents’ civic development. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 11(4), article 5. http://dx.doi.org/10.5817/CP2017-4-5
- Marciniak, R., Šerek, J., Sheardová, K., Hudeček, D., & Hort, J. (2017). Psychometrické charakteristiky dotazníku SHALOM u starší české populace [SHALOM questionnaire psychometric characteristics of elderly Czech population]. Československá psychologie [Czechoslovak Psychology], 61, 230-244.
- Šerek, J. (2017). What's the matter with civil society? The declining effect of civic involvement on civic identity among Czech adolescents, Youth & Society, 49, 879-901. https://doi.org/10.1177/0044118X16637883
- Šerek, J. (2017). Noví mladí Masaryci? Podpora demokracie a jejích principů u českých adolescentů [The new young Masaryks? Support for democracy and its principles among Czech adolescents]. Sociologický časopis [Czech Sociological Review], 53, 181-208. https://doi.org/10.13060/00380288.2017.53.2.313
- Šerek, J., & Machackova, H. (2017). The role of school climate and personality in the development of Czech adolescents’ political self-efficacy. Applied Developmental Science, 23(3), 203-213. https://doi.org/10.1080/10888691.2017.1364163
- Šerek, J., Machackova, H., & Macek, P. (2017). The chicken or egg question of adolescents’ political involvement: Longitudinal analysis of the relation between adolescents’ political participation, efficacy, and political interest. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 225, 347-356. https://doi.org/10.1027/2151-2604/a000297
Juhová, D., Macháčková, H., Šerek, J., & Macek, P. (2016). Vliv individuálních faktorů a školního prostředí na vnímaný přínos školních diskusí o celospolečenských tématech [The influence of individual characteristics and school environment on perceptions of the benefits of school discussions about civic issues]. E-psychologie, 10(3), 13-25.
Macková, A., Macháčková, H., Macek, J., & Šerek, J. (2016). When age matters: Patterns of participative and communicative practices in the Czech Republic. Communication Today, 7(2), 46-65.
- Umemura, T., & Šerek, J. (2016). Different developmental pathways from parental warmth to adolescents’ trust in peers and politicians: Mediating roles of adolescent–parent attachment and belief in a just world. Social Justice Research, 9, 186-205.
- Scott, Z., & Šerek, J. (2015). Ethnic majority and minority youths’ ascription of responsibility for solving current social issues: Links to civic participation. Journal of Adolescent Research, 30, 180-212. https://doi.org/10.1177/0743558414554701
- Šerek, J., & Machackova, H. (2015). Predicting online and offline civic participation among young Czech Roma: The roles of resources, community perceptions and social norms. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41, 2173-2191. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2015.1049590
- Šerek, J., & Umemura, T. (2015). Changes in late adolescents' voting intentions during the election campaign: Disentangling the effects of political communication with parents, peers, and media. European Journal of Communication, 30, 285-300. https://doi.org/10.1177/0267323115577306
- Šerek, J., & Macek, P. (2014). Antecedents of political trust in adolescence: Cognitive abilities and perceptions of parents. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 35, 284–293. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appdev.2014.05.001
- Šerek, J., Macek, P., Ježek, S., & Lacinová, L. (2014). Twenty years after the Velvet Revolution: Shifts in Czech adolescents' perceptions of family, school and society. Journal of Adolescent Research, 29, 738-764. https://doi.org/10.1177/0743558414538315
Šerek, J., & Machackova, H. (2014). Online only: Which Czech young adults prefer online civic participation? Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 8(3), article 6. http://dx.doi.org/10.5817/CP2014-3-6
- Ševčíková, A, Šerek, J., Barbovschi, M., & Daneback, K. (2014). The roles of individual characteristics and liberalism in intentional and unintentional exposure to online sexual material among European youth: A multilevel approach. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 11, 104-115. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13178-013-0141-6
Sevcikova, A., Serek, J., Machackova, H. & Smahel, D. (2013). The extent matters: Exposure to sexually explicit materials among Czech adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence, 33, 1048-1071. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0272431613483004. Available here.
- Petrovičová, Z., Šerek, J., Porubanová, M., & Macek, P. (2012). Citizenship as given or taken? Meanings and practices among majority and minority youth. Human Affairs, 22, 335-344. https://doi.org/10.2478/s13374-012-0028-x
- Šerek, J., Lacinová, L., & Macek, P. (2012). Does family experience influence political beliefs? Relation between interparental conflict perceptions and political efficacy in late adolescence. Journal of Adolescence, 35, 577-586. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adolescence.2011.10.001
- Šerek, J., Petrovičová, Z., & Macek, P. (2012). Adolescents’ perspectives on traditional, non-traditional, and direct political activities: The role of identity-processing styles and political beliefs. Revista de psicología social, 27, 243-250. https://doi.org/10.1174/021347412804932848
- Šerek, J., & Macek, P. (2010). Proč se politicky (ne)angažovat: Obsah a struktura přesvědčení u adolescentů [Why (Not) To Be Politically Engaged: Content and Structure of Adolescents' Beliefs]. Československá psychologie [Czechoslovak Psychology], 54, 160-174.
- Lukas, J., & Šerek, J. (2007). Aplikace techniky repertoárové mřížky na zkoumání utváření dojmů o politicích [Using the Repertory Grid Technique to Study Political Impressions Formation]. Československá psychologie [Czechoslovak Psychology], 51, 622-634.
- Šerek, J., Petrovičová, Z., & Porubanová, M. (2012). Mladí a nevšední. Studie občanského života mladých lidí z etnických menšin a majority v České republice [The young and the uncommon ones. A study of civic life of young people from ethnic minorities and majority in the Czech Republic]. Brno: Munipress.
Kapitoly knih
- Šerek, J., Petrovičová, Z., & Macek, P. (2015). Civic organizations and the Internet as the opportunities for minority youth civic participation: Findings from the Czech Republic. In M. Barrett & B. Zani (Eds.), Political and civic engagement: Multidisciplinary perspectives (pp. 213-231). London and New York: Routledge.
- Dalajka, J., & Šerek, J. (2011). Development of adolescents’ worldviews: perceptions of justice and politics. In S. Ježek, L. Lacinová, & P. Macek (Eds.), Adolescent psychosocial development in Brno: An ELSPAC study 2005 – 2011 (pp. 57-81). Brno: Masaryk University.
- Šerek, J., Petrovičová, Z., & Macek, P. (2011). The civic life of young Czech Roma: Perceived resources, barriers, and opportunities. In M. Rašticová et al. (eds.), Diversity is Reality: Effective Leadership of Diverse Teams in a Global Environment (pp. 143-152). Brno: CERM.
- Bedrosova, M., Machackova, H., Serek, J., Smahel, D., Blaya, C., Izrael, P., Holdos, J., & Pyzalski, J. (2021, September). The cyberhate and cyberbullying experiences of children in Czechia, Poland and Slovakia: Testing the bifactor model. Presented at the 8th European Communication Conference (ECREA), online.
- Macháčková, H. & Šerek, J. (2018, November). The role of media in the perceptions of democracy across Europe. Poster presented at the 7th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Lugano, Switzerland.
- Šerek, J. (2017). What contexts help young people to participate? Predicting country-level differences in civic participation among European youth. Paper presented at the 1st CATCH EyoU conference, March 2-4, 2017, Athens, Greece. Available here.
- Šerek, J., & Macek, P. (2017). Worrying never did anyone any good? The link between youth political alienation, worries, and intolerance. Paper presented at the 1st CATCH EyoU conference, March 2-4, 2017, Athens, Greece. Available here.
- Šerek, J., Havlík, V., Vejvodová, P., & Scott, Z. (2016). Does a feeling of uncertainty promote intolerant political attitudes and behavior? A moderating role of personal value orientations. Paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, September 7-10, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. Available here.
- Šerek, J., Scott, Z., & Macek, P. (2016). The role of adolescents’ need for cognition in the formation of their sociopolitical attitudes within families and schools. Paper presented at the 15th Biennial Meeting of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, September 16-19, 2016, Cádiz, Spain. Available here.
- Šerek, J., Scott, Z., Macek, P., Amna, E., Banaji, S., Cicognani, E., Kalmus, V., Menezes, I., Motti-Stefanidi, F., & Noack, P. (2016). The relation of uncertainty to tolerant and democratic attitudes among young Europeans. Paper presented at the 15th Biennial Meeting of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, September 16-19, 2016, Cádiz, Spain. Available here.
- Umemura, T., Šerek, J. & Machackova, H. (2016, September). Roles of parents in adolescents’ political attitudes: Mediating effects of general attitudes toward other people and society. Presented at the XV biennial conference of European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cadiz, Spain.
- Šerek, J. (2015). Learning civic skills in school: The effect of personality, school environment, and their interaction. Paper presented at the LLAKES/AMCIS Conference, May 28-29, 2015, London, UK. Available here.
- Šerek, J., & Umemura, T. (2014). Political socialization in late adolescence: The effects of parents, peers and media on changes in adolescents’ voting intentions. Poster presented at the 15th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, March 20-22, 2014, Austin, USA. Available here.
- Šerek, J., & Umemura, T., & Petrovičová, Z. (2014). Diverse sides of adolescents’ and young adults’ tolerance towards immigrants. Paper presented at the 14th Biennial Meeting of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, September 3-6, 2014, Cesme, Turkey. Available here.
- Šerek, J. (2013). A safer way to participate? Online and real-world civic engagement among ethnic minority youth. Poster presented at the 16th European Conference in Developmental Psychology, September 3-7, 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland. Available here.
- Šerek, J., Petrovičová, Z., & Macek, P. (2012). Civic participation of young Roma in the Czech Republic: Barriers and resources. Paper presented at the 13th Biennial Meeting of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, August 29 - September 1, 2012, Spetses, Greece. Available here.
- Šerek, J., Petrovičová, Z., & Macek, P. (2012). How easy is to become alienated? Stability and change of first-time voters' civic attitudes over the election year. Paper presented at the 14th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, March 8-10, 2012, Vancouver, Canada. Available here.
- Šerek, J., Petrovičová, Z., Macháčková, H., & Macek, P. (2012). Online civic participation among youth: An extension of traditional participation, or a new quality? Paper presented at the PIDOP Conference 2012, April 16-17, 2012, Guildford, UK. Available here.
- Šerek, J., & Macek, P. (2011). Development of young people's political efficacy during the election year: the effect of political discussions and media consumption. Paper presented at the 2011 Biennial Meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development, March 31-April 2, 2011, Montréal, Canada. Available here.
- Šerek, J., & Macek, P. (2011). Do parents, school, community,and organizations affect adolescents' civic engagement by shaping their value orientations? A mediation analysis. Paper presented at the 15th European Conference in Developmental Psychology, August 23-27, 2011, Bergen, Norway. Available here.
- Šerek, J., Petrovičová, Z., & Macek, P. (2011). How do you perceive civic engagement when you come from ethnic minority? The case of Czech Roma. Paper presented at the PIDOP Conference, May 11-12, 2011, Bologna, Italy. Available here.
- Šerek, J. (2010). Does democracy hinge on family ties? Effect of parent attachment on civic orientations among Czech adolescents. Poster presented at the 13th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, March 11-13, 2010, Philadelphia, USA. Available here.
- Šerek, J., & Macek, P. (2010). Adolescents' beliefs about political sphere: Relations to perception of parents' behavior. Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, May 12-15, 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania. Available here.
Stať ve sborníku
- Petrovičová, Z., Šerek, J., & Macek, P. (2012). Who should solve problems of our society? Perceived responsibility for social and political issues among adolescents and emerging adults. In XV European Conference on Developmental Psychology ECDP (pp. 429-434). Bologna: Medimond.
- Šerek, J., & Macek, P. (2012). Do parents, school, community, and organizations affect adolescents' civic engagement by shaping their value orientations? A mediation analysis. In XV European Conference on Developmental Psychology ECDP (pp. 533-538). Bologna: Medimond.
- Ševčíková, A., Šerek, J., & Macháčková, H. (2012). Exposure to online sexual materials and cross-country differences. In M. Strano, H. Harchovec, F. Sudweeks, & Ch. Ess. (Eds.), Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication (pp. 502-513). Murdoch: Murdoch University.
- Úvod do politické psychologie
- Filozofické základy psychologického poznání
- Political psychology and intergroup conflict
- Vědecká propedeutika, etika v práci psychologa a kritické myšlení
- Psychologické teorie
- Psychologie adolescentů
- Psychologie v běžném životě
- Psychometrika: měření v psychologii
- Sociální psychologie I
- Sociální psychologie II
- Statistická analýza dat
- Statistická analýza dat II.
- Youth Development
V minulosti
doc. Jan Šerek, Ph.D.
E-mail: serek@fss.muni.cz
ORCID: 0000-0003-2358-7329
Oblasti výzkumného zájmu
- politická psychologie
- občanská a politická socializace v adolescenci a mladé dospělosti