Cyberpsychology published a new issue - a special issue on an extremely timely topic: bystanders in online aggression.
The issue leading guest editor was our colleague and a member of IRTIS, Hana Machackova. On the preparation of the issue, she cooperated with Jan Pfetsch from Technische Universität Berlin and Georges Steffgen from the University of Luxembourg. Their joint effort led to a high-quality collection of articles that are available on Cyberpsychology's website.
The issue consists of an editorial and these articles:
Editorial: Special issue on bystanders of online aggression
Hana Machackova, Jan Pfetsch and Georges Steffgen
A systematic literature review of factors that moderate bystanders’ actions in cyberbullying
Fernando Domínguez-Hernández, Lars Bonell and Alejandro Martínez-González
Who is involved in cyberbullying? Latent class analysis of cyberbullying roles and their associations with aggression, self-esteem, and empathy
Anja Schultze-Krumbholz, Markus Hess, Jan Pfetsch and Herbert Scheithauer
Bystanders of bullying: Social-cognitive and affective reactions to school bullying and cyberbullying
Rhea-Katharina Knauf, Heike Eschenbeck, and Michael Hock
”Do I really need to help?!” Perceived severity of cyberbullying, victim blaming, and bystanders’ willingness to help the victim
Christina Koehler and Mathias Weber
Joining the clash or refusing to bash? Bystanders reactions to online celebrity bashing
Gaëlle Ouvrein, Charlotte J.S. De Backer and Heidi Vandebosch
The moderation of empathy in the longitudinal association between witnessing cyberbullying, depression, and anxiety
Michelle F. Wright, Sebastian Wachs and Bridgette D. Harper